Let flow spill over

I think we all have our areas in life where things just flow. We also have areas where we meet resistance over and over again. This is what Jess Lively likes to call "the ego's favorite chew toy". Maybe it's always flowed in your career but you struggle in relationships. Or you've always had flow with money but you can't seem to find balance in your health. 

Don't focus so much on where it doesn't flow. Focus on where it does and try to copy that into the area of resistance. What are you doing in your flow area that you can also do where it's not? You probably don't worry or stress so much as you do where it flows, right? Maybe you feel really grateful for it and therefore creating more and more? What if you would let the flow spill over to where you need it and it would magically start flowing?

Food for thought. Let me know how it works for you! 

With all my love,

Keep your expectations general

I notice that I have a natural attitude of having a positive perspective on the future. I always expect the best. Sure, I might worry about something coming up next week or be nervous about something but in general, I expect all my dreams to come true. I know that's not reality for everyone and I'm so grateful for this attitude. 

However, it creates really high expectations. Sometimes they're not fulfilled. It hurts. Yet, I don't want to lower my expectations because they're so sweet in the meantime. At the same time, it's the gap between expectations and reality that creates unhappiness. These are two of the solutions I've found to this paradox, so far:

  • Be general and more emotional based in your expectations. Don't latch onto details or to what other people should or shouldn't do. Keep it to a feeling and to the things that you yourself can actually do something about. 
  • When the expectations are no longer in the future, but in your present moment, let them go and be with what is, no matter what that might be. 

Do you agree? How do handle expectations that make you trip in the present? 

With all my love,

The doctor won't have all the answers for you

Even though we sometimes need conventional medicine. Even though it saves lives every day. Even though it has it's obvious benefits. It doesn't have all the answers. It will not solve everything for you. 

Listen to the doctor. Take the advice. Then, listen in. Do what you can. Don't give your power away. You are still responsible for your life, no matter what. Even if you decide to take the pill, reflect on how you can support the healing in your own way. Do you need some extra hours of sleep through this challenge? Could you eat in a way that truly supports your body? Do you need to talk to a professional or someone you trust to deal with the emotions that come up? 

There is no black or white in healing. We all need to find our own way. A complimentary way. You need to find your own. 

With all my love,

Your intuition is always in alignment

Remember this; your inner being, or intuition, is always in alignment. The reason you're feeling so bad when you're feeling bad is because of the gap between you and your inner being. That's what hurts. 

This is good news. It means that, no matter what, a part of you is always where you want to be. Use this as comfort. 

A first step to close the gap is to let go of resistance to the fact that you feel the gap. Accept where you are. 

Ask your intuition - what do I need to do to get closer to you right now? Don't be surprised if your answers are beyond wise. Don't give up if you get nothing back. Let go of resistance to that too and believe in yourself. You know what you need to do. 

With all my love,


Don't let your ego take over

We all have ego. It's neither good or bad, it just is. But we don't want our ego to run the show all together. 

I did a high profile project recently. Right after I felt a sting of disappointment with myself. My ego laser focusing on the details I could have done differently. The things I should or shouldn't have said. So tiring. I realized this was my ego being caught up in a loop, chewing on its favorite chew toy, my performance and perfection. 

So, I deliberately chose to change focus. What was the feedback from the audience? How did my client feel about my delivery? Did I help someone? And foremost, did I do my best from my current circumstances? Was I aligned with my intuition? Was I acting out of love? Genuine appreciation, happy, yes, yes yes, yes. 

Your ego is there and will always be, but practice witnessing it, and, if it's all you learn to do, don't believe every word it says! 

With all my love,


Here's an experiment for you

If you follow me on social media you know I'm currently doing a wonderful course with Jess Lively. It's all about flowing with intention, law of attraction and alignment. It's life changing in many ways. If you would choose to go down this path, it's a total paradigm shift. 

We're used to wait for things to happen to get to feel what we want to feel. According to the law of attraction (which is also scientifically proven at this point) we need to reverse this order. First, you feel what you want to feel, then things start happening - the things you want that is. Because, you attract what you are. 

For the next couple of days, try this: get into alignment before you do anything. Alignment is basically feeling great. (And, if you're in a rut right now, don't sweat it, be compassionate with yourself and try this another time.) Make sure that the first things you do in the morning are things that you love and that makes you happy. If it means you need to get up a bit earlier to have time for what you love, then go ahead and get to bed earlier. If you can't come up with anything, try a rampage of appreciation, meaning writing out things that you are grateful for (preferably 5 pages of it). 

Watch how your day unfolds when you've taken charge of your initial state. Let me know how it goes! 

Awareness is the key

I was exploring this with one of my coaching clients recently and just got it affirmed yet again. Awareness is everything. When we are aware we can choose our response. When we're aware we have the foundation for change. When we are aware we we expand our freedom.

What is hidden from us is difficult to change. What we can't see we cannot remove. When we don't see our patterns we can't draw new ones. 

Many people feel that growing awareness is uncomfortable, because what used to be in the shadow is brought to the light. But we need to give credit where credits do. Awareness is the first and very large step in the right direction. 

So celebrate your growing awareness. Celebrate your courage to bring the uncomfortable to the light. Because this is where the fun starts - you can make deliberate choices as to where to go from here. Congratulations! 

With all my love,

Expanding time

Are you one of the many running around the hamster wheel longing for more time? Always in a loss for it? Never getting enough done on the limited time you have? 

What if you are creating your own lacking by affirming it? What if time would expand for you if you would just believe it could? What if time is a concept and a fantasy that we all have just agreed on? 

I experience sometimes. Time expanding for me. The key for me is always presence. Intense presence. When I'm present with the moment it seems to expand for me. It lasts forever. Isn't that the truth anyway? The present moment will always be right there for you so if more moments, which multiplied will turn into more time, is what you want, all you have to do is be with it. 

Some say that time flies when you're having fun and it stops when you're bored. I say, time expands with presence. When you stop guilt-tripping about all the things you didn't do or worry about the things you won't have time to do, but stay with what is, you will always be provided with the time you need. 

Life happens in the moments. Time is just a concept of moments multiplied. Focus on the essentials. 

With all my love,
