
my reason for doing this work

Hi love, my name is Helena and I’m so happy you’re here! 

I'm an intuitive coach, author, speaker and HR consultant with a deep inner knowing that we humans are amazing. We have our own inner guidance system and a great ability to love, when we choose to reprogram our fear-based thoughts. I believe in your potential and I know that you can tap your inner strength when you take full responsibility for your life. Let me show you how!


about me and my business

In this 4-minute video I’ll tell you a little bit about myself, my journey and why I started this business.


my own healing journey lead me here


After many years of being physically unwell I'd had enough. I chose to find my own way back to health through taking my power back.

The journey I started has not only lead me back to wellness in my body, it has also deepened my relationship to myself and my own intuition.

Life is hard sometimes, for all of us, but with the right tools, practices and support, we can stay in our power, take responsibility for our lives, and find our way back to the joy of being alive, again and again.

where to go from here


Whether you a looking for inspiration, support, tools or guidance, you’ve come to the right place. Start by signing up to my love letters here. I share reflections and inspiration on how to live a meaningful and present life. You’ll also be the first to know what’s up!

On my blog you can read texts about personal development and spirituality and the archive is massive (I’ve been blogging since 2012).

Under Coaching & Services you’ll find more info about coaching with me, current online programs, courses, workshops and events.

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I’ve written two books. In the first one Pure Personal Power - tools to collect on a healing journey, you’ll get my full story and all the tools that helped me heal. Because, healed people heal people. My second book is in Swedish and is called Det inre skiftet - din guide till att leva fullt ut genom tacksamhet, acceptans, tillit, självmedkänsla och glädje.


You’re also welcome to check out my account at Instagram where I post almost everyday and share more from my day-to-day life in Stockholm.

Welcome, I'm so happy you’ve found your way here!