The choice is always yours

You always have a choice to decide how you want to react. You can always choose your perception.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor E. Frankl

Do you realize what potential lies in this? You never have to be a victim. I know, as humans, sometimes we do, but we don't need to stay there for long. Choose what you want to do with that space. It's never about the circumstances. There's plenty of people who has it all but still kill themselves because of their misery and more people with nothing who are perfectly happy with their life. 

We live in a society and time that tries to convince us that it's about the external stuff. Don't buy it. It's not true. 

With all my love,


If time traveling was possible

We all have all the answers we need inside. We very rarely need advice really, we just need to listen in and sometimes help to sort our thoughts to make sense of it all. That's why I think coaching is such an amazing tool. I witness magic with my clients all the time! 

But building on the belief that you do have all your answers inside you, what if you would be able to take advice from an older and wiser version of yourself? Say that your 110 year old self would come back to today and sit down with you for 20 minutes. What do you think you would say to yourself today? What advice would you give? What would you want yourself to know today? 

One day you will be that person, 110 or close to and you will know a lot more than you know today. Will you be wiser for it? What are you currently working on that you think will be perfectly easy for your older self? 

Taking advice from yourself can come in many different forms. Enjoy this small exercise if it intrigues you! 

With all my love,


The art of allowing

So often in our society today we talk about all the things we can't tolerate, behavior that we perceive as intolerable. Sometimes we need to get over it so we decide to tolerate. Tolerating a person or a behavior is a silent resistance. Intolerance is the loud resistance. 

Nothing is right or wrong but I do believe we need to practice the art of allowing also. Allowing requires letting go of resistance altogether. It's surrendering. It's about accepting fully. 

I'm practicing allowing with myself right now. With people that I think "should" live in a different way. With states of the world that I don't agree with. I practice faith, patience and trust as well. It's not always easy but I realize that when I start from that place I can easier sort through the emotions, expectations and messy thoughts and faster get to the core. To what is actually important. To the next right action. From alignment. Not resistance. 

Allow life to unfold. Allow people to be who they are. Allow the world to be as it is. And when it's time for you to get into action, you will now for sure. 

With all my love,

What do you stand for?

What if you are here for a specific reason? What if you have a message to share? What if your life has prepared you for this moment, for this time in your life, for a reason? What is it that you are here to share? To teach? To stand for? 

I believe we all have a story. It doesn't necessarily have to be something big or bold but whether you like it or not, you, being you, is a message in itself. You are sending signals to the world everyday by the way you choose to live, by the way you choose to speak, by the way you choose to show up for this. 

What do you stand for ? 

With all my love,


Deliberate living

This is a recurring theme in my life right now, as so here on the blog. Living deliberately. 

When you focus first on how you want to feel and learn how to create those emotions in your life, you can't fail. If you then act and don't reach the outcome you wanted it really doesn't matter as much because you felt the way you wanted to feel to begin with. Default living, as Jess Lively calls it, is when we act and wait for the outcome to decide how we get to feel and that's when we're always depending on outer circumstances of which we have very little control. 

The added bonus when you live deliberately is that when you first feel the way you want to feel you automatically attract more of what you want. Congrats! 

With all my love,

Be here now, still

Have you ever experienced achieving one of your big goals in life? Was it all that you expected it to be? 

I talked to a friend the other week who highlighted this yet again for me. She had strived for a big goal everyday for four years until she finally reached where she had dreamed of being. Once there, depression came. Even though reaching the goal was amazing in many ways it didn't solve everything. All areas in her life was not magically transformed by reaching the goal but there was an unconscious expectation of this because it had been her whole focus for so long. 

There is no there there. I know I say this all the time but it's so true. Sure, look ahead and work for the things you want but don't attach your happiness or attachment to it. Be here now, still. Fulfillment only happens in the present moment anyway. 

With all my love,

A stolen check-list for self-love and body confidence

I posted this in my Instagram story the other day but I think it's so important that it's definitely worth being repeated. Danika Brysha is an amazing role model in this society of fat-phobia and body paranoia. Health is not about size. 

  • DON’T follow people on here who make you feel like you aren’t beautiful (like, unfollow them, right now)
  • DON'T read fashion magazines that don’t use a wide variety of body types in their marketing and content
  • DON’T hang out with people who think it’s ok to talk negatively about their own body or anyone else’s body
  • DON’T attach your value as a human to the size of your pants or the number on the scale
  • DON’T have relationships with anybody who thinks that your body size has anything to do with your worth
  • DON’T say that “real women have curves/boobs/body fat/etc”. All women are real women..
  • DON’T wait for your life to start until you "lose/gain the weight"
  • DO practice positive affirmations daily - “I am glowing”, “I am healthy”, “I am light"
  • DO strive only to be the healthiest version of you, not specifically for weight loss or gain
  • DO believe that you are perfect and beautiful exactly as you are… and if this is too hard to do, just fake it until it becomes your truth.
  • DO fill your Instagram feed with a wide range of role models of all different body types
  • DO make healthy lifestyle changes because you know you deserve to thrive, not because you want to change something you hate
  • DO get out into the world and remind everyone that you, in your perfectly flawed body, can do and be and create anything you damn please

You are beautiful! 

With all my love,

Investing in yourself

Our relationship to money is more often than not complicated. It's a touchy subject for whatever reason. And it's definitely not evenly spread over the population. But, most people in my closest surrounding have enough to live and eat and even travel once in a while, but still it's complicated. 

I think we so often mirror the societies expectations or given "truths" and take them on as our own. How come we think it's not big deal to spend lots of money traveling to the other side of the world, but to invest in our own health through functional medicine is too much? When the one thing last for a week and the other could change your life quality everyday? How come we can spend thousands on that piece of clothing but when it comes to dealing with the demons in our own head we suddenly get cheap? 

Whenever I talk to potential clients about this I try to help them shift the perspective. The investment needed is foremost in themselves and not in me. And a lot of the time it gets down to worthiness. For some reason they feel worthy to invest in that new pillow case for the sofa but not in personal development. I'm not trying to promote my own services here, I'm just questioning the general assumptions of where it's okay to spend our money. 

What's that new kitchen worth when we still hate being in our own head? What's your take on this? 

With all my love,


And, yes, if you want to join my workshop series in March it's high time to signup - we start on Tuesday!