
Heaven and hell is right here

What if heaven and hell is nothing but a mind construct? What if they're both part of the human experience? What if we are so afraid to go to hell that we create hell right here? 

Some say religions are for people who don't want to go to hell and spirituality are for those who's already been. - Rob Bell 

This rings so true to me. I believe we can create heaven or hell right here. It's not about our circumstances, it's about how we perceive our circumstances. I gave up on religion partly because of the concept of hell. I don't think anyone deserves to go there, but I do believe that some people create it for themselves in this lifetime. For a while they drag others into their personal hell, but it's up to every individual whether they want to stay there or not. 

Heaven is right here. That's where I choose to live. 

With all my love,


The choice is always yours

You always have a choice to decide how you want to react. You can always choose your perception.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor E. Frankl

Do you realize what potential lies in this? You never have to be a victim. I know, as humans, sometimes we do, but we don't need to stay there for long. Choose what you want to do with that space. It's never about the circumstances. There's plenty of people who has it all but still kill themselves because of their misery and more people with nothing who are perfectly happy with their life. 

We live in a society and time that tries to convince us that it's about the external stuff. Don't buy it. It's not true. 

With all my love,


What do you stand for?

What if you are here for a specific reason? What if you have a message to share? What if your life has prepared you for this moment, for this time in your life, for a reason? What is it that you are here to share? To teach? To stand for? 

I believe we all have a story. It doesn't necessarily have to be something big or bold but whether you like it or not, you, being you, is a message in itself. You are sending signals to the world everyday by the way you choose to live, by the way you choose to speak, by the way you choose to show up for this. 

What do you stand for ? 

With all my love,


The Holy Instant

When you are totally present in the moment without judgement, worry or fear. 

When completely surrender to your inner guidance system. 

When an ancient hatred becomes a holy love. 

When you release your ego-based thought system and accept your inner guide's loving thought system. 

When you are actively listening to another person without your own agenda. 

When you chose love love fear. 

When you decide to take your hands off from your eyes and realize you're already in the light.

That's the Holy Instant. It's always there for you. But sometimes you will forget. It's okay to forget. Just always get back to truth and choose the Holy Instant. 

With all my love,
