Listening in

You learning to listen to you is so powerful. You have everything you need inside. Don't wait your whole life to figure that out, just listen to all the ones who's gone before us who tell you that it's true. And here comes the paradox, only you can listen in to you to figure out if listening to you really gives you all the answers. 

I did this exercise with my own coach the other day where she asked me some questions and I wasn't to answer with words but with bodily sensations. Wow! That was powerful. 

When I write letters to my intuition I usually wait and listen, and I honestly can't explain how it happens but all of a sudden I have an answer. And I know when it's my intuition because of how it makes me feel. Also, the wording is different from my intellectual minds language. 

Meditation is probably the most common way of listening in. Not latching on to the mind chatter, but slowing down the pace to hear something else. 

Whatever you do and however you do it, just give it a try, please. And I promise I will continue my practice as well, because I can tell you this much, my mind sure likes to think! 

With all my love,


Why do we need science?

How come we've become a society getting high on science? Why do we always crave it? Why do we trust it so much? How come we need to wait for science until we try something new? 

I know I'm generalizing now but I find it's interesting that the worst thing sometimes seems to be claiming something to be true without having science to back it up. 

We used to know how to heal. Many indigenous tribes and cultures still do. We used to follow what felt good before what proved true in a science report. We all have all the wisdom we need inside of us. Where did we loose it? 

If it makes you feel good go for it. If it doesn't hurt you or someone else, give it a try. We're not giving ourselves credit for what we already know or maybe for what we just need to remember. What if you would trust your instinct or intuition a little more today? What would change for you? 

With all my love,


Self-compassion when you don't like yourself

We all have good and bad days. I find myself needing to remind myself that that's okay, also for me. I'm not that special. And on those bad days, I find that my greatest tool is self-compassion. It's interesting to me that this is quite a new realization and I'm okay with that. 

I've been really good at loving myself when life's smooth and easy but I have a tendency to judge and criticize myself when I'm not in a good place. Isn't that funny? And not very fruitful. 

Love me the most when I deserve it the least for that's when I need it the most. 

I grew up with this saying but I had forgotten about it and it's just recently that I truly realized that it also applies to myself. And the same goes for you. 

Are you good at this? Loving yourself the most when you feel you deserve it the least? Love is always the answer. It's the light at the end of the tunnel. Grateful to always be learning. 

With all my love,


100% commitment

I heard this somewhere the other day and I haven't really tried it out for myself but it makes sense. So often we say we will try to do something. But at the same time we say we will try we're also implying that we might not actually do. We're not fully committed. At the same time we won't know beforehand if we will succeed. But how much of our success is linked to our commitment in the first place? 

It's easier to commit 100% to something than 99%. Because 99% leave room for doubt, for incessant mind chatter, for ambivalence. 100% leaves room for nothing. 

Say meditation for example. Most people say they want to try meditating every day and see how it feels. So, they try it. Some days it fits in the schedule, some days it doesn't and because the 100% commitment isn't there so much energy is wasted on debating in their mind whether or not today is the day for meditation or not. According to this theory it would be easier to just commit and say I'll do it, just as most of us actually get up in the morning, we brush our teeth and we eat when we're hungry. Just do it. 

I don't know but I will for sure try. I mean, I'm 100% committed to trying :) 

What do you think? 

With all my love,


Magical thinking

We're so caught up in our logical thinking that we easily forget that that's just a glimpse of it all. Did you know that only 5% is conscious thinking and knowing, the 95% are in the subconscious. Just imagine what's going on there and beyond.

If you experience mystery, try to enjoy it rather than understand. If you see magic in your day, take it in and relax with it without trying to make sense of it all. 

Life's not logical. The universe is so much more than our logical minds could ever grasp. The more you understand the more you will understand that you don't understand. It's all good. Let go of the logical thinking and rely on the magical.

With all my love,


The choice is always yours

You always have a choice to decide how you want to react. You can always choose your perception.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor E. Frankl

Do you realize what potential lies in this? You never have to be a victim. I know, as humans, sometimes we do, but we don't need to stay there for long. Choose what you want to do with that space. It's never about the circumstances. There's plenty of people who has it all but still kill themselves because of their misery and more people with nothing who are perfectly happy with their life. 

We live in a society and time that tries to convince us that it's about the external stuff. Don't buy it. It's not true. 

With all my love,


If time traveling was possible

We all have all the answers we need inside. We very rarely need advice really, we just need to listen in and sometimes help to sort our thoughts to make sense of it all. That's why I think coaching is such an amazing tool. I witness magic with my clients all the time! 

But building on the belief that you do have all your answers inside you, what if you would be able to take advice from an older and wiser version of yourself? Say that your 110 year old self would come back to today and sit down with you for 20 minutes. What do you think you would say to yourself today? What advice would you give? What would you want yourself to know today? 

One day you will be that person, 110 or close to and you will know a lot more than you know today. Will you be wiser for it? What are you currently working on that you think will be perfectly easy for your older self? 

Taking advice from yourself can come in many different forms. Enjoy this small exercise if it intrigues you! 

With all my love,


The art of allowing

So often in our society today we talk about all the things we can't tolerate, behavior that we perceive as intolerable. Sometimes we need to get over it so we decide to tolerate. Tolerating a person or a behavior is a silent resistance. Intolerance is the loud resistance. 

Nothing is right or wrong but I do believe we need to practice the art of allowing also. Allowing requires letting go of resistance altogether. It's surrendering. It's about accepting fully. 

I'm practicing allowing with myself right now. With people that I think "should" live in a different way. With states of the world that I don't agree with. I practice faith, patience and trust as well. It's not always easy but I realize that when I start from that place I can easier sort through the emotions, expectations and messy thoughts and faster get to the core. To what is actually important. To the next right action. From alignment. Not resistance. 

Allow life to unfold. Allow people to be who they are. Allow the world to be as it is. And when it's time for you to get into action, you will now for sure. 

With all my love,