the hero's journey

Suffering without catharsis is wasted pain

The quote is from Elizabeth Gilbert, one of my main mentors, and a interview she had with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday. They were discussing the hero's journey and the unavoidable change that comes from struggles in our lives. 

I do think that pain is inevitable and that suffering is optional. Optional, however, does not mean, it's very easy to move away from it. We are having a human experience, and so, we suffer. But both our pain and the suffering our resistance creates, come bearing a message. There is always a hidden treasure in pain. 

We get the lessons we need in life to evolve and change into the people we need to be to do what we need to do. If we resist the change, however, the same lesson will come again, but in a different shape. 

So, next time life serves you lemons, ask yourself this: How do I need to change right now? What do I need to learn? Then, be as diligent student as you can. Learn with curiosity. And remember, the only constant is change. 

With all my love,
