feeling machines

Feeling machines

I heard Cheryl Strayed in an interview say this and I totally agree: "We're feeling machines who knows how to think, not thinking machines who knows how to feel." That's where we got it all wrong, thinking our feelings are just a bi-product and our left brain thinking gets center stage. 

I know I talk about this a lot right now but it is what's going on a lot for me. And that's where I always start writing, that's why I write in the first place. To process, reflect and analyze what's going on in my own life. Hopefully it speaks to you too. 

We think we make logical decisions but most of them are driven by emotions. We believe that we can objectively assess a situation when everything in our life is highly subjectively processed. 

How do we navigate this logically centered world where we actually don't fit in? Well, one way for me is to let my intuition lead the way (often speaking through emotions) and then find logical arguments for one or the other decision. While most of our 35 000 decisions a day are obviously unconscious and driven by our subjective past and emotional memories. 

We're not going to change our societal structure in one full sweep, but I do see a lot of hubs of different thinking, or I should probably say, different feeling. It's a paradigm shift of enormous proportions, but I'm certain that we'll see a very different world in the future. One where emotions are regarded for what they really are and a world where all of humanity (and everything living on this earth) fits better in. 

With all my love,
