How my darkest moment turned into light for thousands of people

Years ago, just after a very dark period in my life, I wrote myself a poem. A few weeks later I published that poem on my blog because I thought it might help someone else too. A lot of my readers said it helped and made them feel more hopeful and less alone in times of hardship.

Almost one and a half year ago I decided to try and get an article published on the online magazine Tiny Buddha to reach new people that might otherwise not find me. Again, the poem was part of the article that was later named A first aid kit for when life falls a part. Again, so many people responded and contacted me and thanked me for writing it. People in different kinds of circumstances but with the same kind of longing for relief and community and hope.

Last week Tiny Buddha decided to share that post on their Facebook page without me knowing and yet again, it seems to have resonated. I just noticed an increase of incoming thank-you-notes in my inbox and finally figured out where it came from. The article was shared more than 9 000 times and commented on by more than 500 people. That’s a ripple, made by me sharing something I originally wrote because I needed to comfort myself.

You never know what ripples you might have in the world. You never know what move might be the one that changes everything for someone else. Be true to who you are. Share your light with the world. And trust that your love and authenticity is enough. Always enough.

And as for the poem, I didn’t even think it was good enough for publishing in the first place, but maybe it’s the simplicity of it that resonated with so many. Does it resonate with you?

To me, if I ever end up there again, and to anyone else, who’s ever been there, or are right now, in the black hole:

It will get better. There is a meaning to what you’re going through. 

You will feel like living again. 

If you can’t do anything else but breathe, do just that; you don’t have to do anything else.  

Don’t fight it. Let it be. It is as it should be and it’s okay. Just be. Don’t judge. Let go. 

Look at what’s beautiful. Listen to what gives you peace. Eat what tastes good. Do what feels nice. Even if it feels pointless right now, it’s good for your soul.  

Ask for help. 

Let other people help you. Let other people take care of you. 

Cry. Scream. Wail. Laugh. Sleep. Close your eyes. Do whatever you need to do. Let it out. And embrace.  

It will get better. I promise. 

With all my love,


Join the gratitude challenge

New year, new you or new month, fresh start. Whatever, it’s only a week left of March and I think it’s the great time to start something new, or re-commit to something that might already be part of your day: GRATITUDE.

It’s never too late or too early or too busy or too difficult or too anything to start a gratitude practice.

Gratitude is the gateway drug to happiness.

This was one of the practices that my course participants practiced this week and it’s amazing to hear the shifts that come immediately.

The more I focus on gratitude the more I find to be grateful for….

The more specific I get in my gratitude the stronger the feeling…

Since I started with my gratitude practice I’ve had so many amazing synchronicities happening….

Life is never black or white, it’s never either or but both and more. No matter what you are going through right now there’s always so much more to be grateful for than not. Even if you’re struggling right now I bet you can find at least 1 000 things to be grateful for. I’m really not kidding! Your eyes, your ears, your lungs… water, air, sun… love, relationships, connection… trees, flowers, ocean… books, knowledge, free resources… freedom, safety, home… I could go on and on and on and on.

But I want to challenge you to start practicing being aware of all the blessings all around you. The practice is simple and you can try it out for the rest of March. If you don’t like it, drop it. We’re gonna write gratitude lists, morning and night. Five things. Three rules;

  1. Come up with new things all the time. No repetition.

  2. Be specific; What part of your home are you grateful for? Why is this relationship so awesome? What about your job are you liking extra right now?

  3. Feel the feeling. The trick is to really sink into the feeling of gratitude. I call is taking a dip in the gratitude jacuzzi. Enjoy the feeling of gratitude and watch how it affects the rest of your day.

I hope you feel inspired to try this one out with me! As you well know, nothing changes until you change and everything changes when you do so just do it and evaluate beginning of April.

With all my love,


Invest in the help that you need

I see so many people spending money on clothes, or interior design or even travel, but not in themselves. Yet, they feel miserable in their clothes and homes and vacations because they don’t have the relevant tools and practices to befriend themselves.

Let’s be a part of that paradigm shift. When you feel good about yourself you don’t NEED any of that stuff. You might WANT it as a bonus but your happiness does not rely on it. That’s where we need to go.

I’ve never ever regretted investing in my own personal development, and I’ve done A LOT. Even if some investments have been deeper and some more shallow, they’ve still given me invaluable experiences that I’ll remember for life.

You are all you have. Spending time on getting to know and befriending yourself is the best investment you can make. Do you agree?

With all my love,


Worry less. What has worked for me

Worry is an interesting thing to me. Most of us spend a lot of time doing it, yet it doesn’t change anything.

“Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere”

-Emma Bombeck

I love this quote, I think it’s brilliant. But it might not help very much. If it’s really so unnecessary, why do we spend so much time doing it? Well, it has to have some evolutionary purpose, right? Forecasting worst case scenarios help us be proactive and change what needs to be changed before something bad happens. That’s awesome. And it doesn’t take very much time. It’s a quick calculation of risks and then deciding to change a course of action based on the forecast.

But spending most of our brain bandwidth fantasizing about terrible things that might happen and not doing anything about it is not so awesome. That’s a waste of life quality and time.

I’ve trained my brain to worry less over the years (doesn’t mean I’m totally free) Meditation has been my greatest tool to work with my worry, because it helps me be the observer of my thoughts so I can notice when I go there and make an active choice whether I want to keep doing it or not.

Also, realizing that worry is just imagination and fantasy has also helped. Because that’s positive words for me and realizing I’m using my vast creativity for bad really was an eye opener for me. Why am I putting so much effort into creating scary future scenarios when I could use the same process creating visions and have beautiful daydreams about something wonderful?

But of course, the main thing is that worry doesn’t live in the now, it lives in the future, and that’s not where you are so when you worry you separate from yourself which is painful in itself. Being with what is, right here and now, 99% of the time, we will realize that we don’t have a problem or worry in the world, in this very moment.

It’s a practice. I practice everyday.

How do you handle your worry? What are the tools that work best for you to worry less? I’d love to hear your take on it.

With all my love,

My take on Ikigai and finding your passion

I work with a lot of clients on exploring their Ikigai. Not with the aim to help them to working full-time in their Ikigai, but rather to get inspiration for finding it in different areas of their life.

Skärmavbild 2019-03-11 kl. 10.25.13.png

A lot of people have a profession; doing something they’re good at and that they therefor get paid for. Maybe they also work for a company that do good in the world and so work also feels meaningful although not necessarily fun. More and more people spend their free time doing good work for the world, hopefully loving that and using their talents for the good of others but they’re not getting paid for it. Some people climb the career ladder doing things they love, are good at and they get good money for it, but it’s not a company that really makes the world a better place and so there’s a nagging feeling of having more to give to the world.

You can look at the Ikigai in a thousand different ways but for me it’s more about finding a balance in between the circles. Spending our life chasing money doesn’t bring lasting satisfaction, only focusing on having fun doesn’t bring depth and meaning, doing things others wants us to do because we’re good at it usually leads to frustration and helping everyone else but not ourselves finally will deplete us. One doesn’t work without the other. We need a little bit of everything. In our whole life picture.

What my clients usually struggle with most is their passion or what they love. Finding it, keeping it, living it. But what is it really?

Many people are really frustrated because they don’t know what they want. And when you don’t know what you want, how can you know your passion.

I heard Elizabeth Gilbert talk about this in a similar way. She had been talking about finding your passion hundreds of times when someone from the crowd asked her to please stop because she felt really excluded. The woman in the audience had been searching for years but only felt drained and confused from not finding it. She writes about this a lot in her amazing book Big Magic: Creative living beyond fear but I also found this short blog post with her conclusions on it.

“Passion is a tower of flame, but curiosity is a tiny tap on the shoulder — a little whisper in the ear that says, "Hey, that's kind of interesting…"

Passion is rare; curiosity is everyday.”

What if we would just lower the bar and go for curiosity. Find it, keep it, live it. Everyday. Go where curiosity leads you and don’t worry about what will come next, because when you’re there the next step will be right in front of you. But not yet. Trust that it will be.

Looking at the Ikigai related to your life today, what comes up? Where are you lacking and what can you do to get closer or creating a better balance? And if you don’t know yet what you love, follow your curiosity to the next thing and trust that that will take you to where you want to be.

With all my love,

Is there unconditional love?

I’ve been tackling this question for as long as I can remember. Whether or not there is such a thing as unconditional love? That we can trust that we’ll always be loved by some people no matter what we do. The reason I think it’s been so big with me is because the option, love being conditioned, has been hard for me to swallow.

It’s particularly been in periods when I’ve been really sick and not really having anything left to give to someone else that this has come up for me. I was scared that I would stay in that state for too long and that people eventually would start leaving, simply because I didn’t have anything to offer.

I definitely don’t have this figured out yet, so this is me reflecting on the page, but some things feel quite clear today. Also after having this conversation with so many people.

  • Some people will love you for who you are and not for what you do. That means that if you are incapable of doing things for them, they will still love you, for being the soul that you are. And probably just because of that, you have a soul connection, that is deeper than this physical form.

  • Unconditional love between humans does not exist. If you treat people like shit for years and years, they will eventually leave you. We love people conditionally, either because of what they do, who they are or how they make us feel. If all this turns into fear, it’s no longer love.

  • Love is always there for you. And therefore unconditional love between spiritual beings does exist and love never ends. It’s an energy that is always there, at the core of who and what we are. It might shift and change, but love is love is everywhere.

To turn this into everyday. We love each other because we do. Sometimes we stop loving each other, because the love exchange is no longer there. But love is still there for us, always. Sometimes it moves through people that we surround ourselves with. Sometimes it move within. Sometimes it moves through nature, or animals, or the sky. Love is unconditional. You are love.

If you would reflect on the page on love, what would come out?

With all of my love,


We're more alike than different

I recently spent a few weeks working from Bali. Meeting so many new people for all over the world. And this is always my reflection when I travel; we’re all so much more alike than we are different. We all long for the same things; love, respect, connection, truth, joy, safety… The only difference is how we go about getting that which we feel we are longing for.

Some approaches or methods may be more or less effective. Someones who’s really hurting might go looking for respect by provoking fear in another, someone else might do it by trying to be the very best and kindest version of themselves. Both think that their way will be the most effective way of getting what they need. It’s not right or wrong, it’s just different.

Focusing rather on understanding than being understood and you might just realize, that the person next to you, have the same hopes and fears, dreams and longings as you do.

With all my love,
