We prefer known hells over unknown heavens

As humans we’re creatures of habit. We like when things are the way we’re used to. Sometimes pain is so well known to us that leaving it behind feels really scary. We prefer the known, even when the known is really painful.

That’s why we stay in relationships that hurt us for too long. That’s why we go to a job that drains us year in and year out. That’s why we never dare to ask for what we want but stay silently put in our place. Because we don’t know, we can’t be sure the unknown is heaven. And it might not be. But it also might.

Heaven is a place on earth. So is hell. Where are choosing to be today?

It might be controversial to say that staying in hell is a choice but sometimes I think it is. Sometimes it’s not.

“But what if I fall? Oh, darling, but what if you fly?”.

I heard someone explain their life as being a freight train they where unable to stop. Without realizing they are the ones who keeps putting in the coal. I’m not saying it’s easy to stop a freight train, but it is possible. And the choice you make today will determine whether you are slowing it down or not.

You have a choice. You are choosing right now. You are reading this for a reason. What do you need to choose next? Do you dare to go into the unknown?

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With all my love,
