Some comfort in uncertain times

I know these are uncertain times, triggering a lot of uncomfortable emotions in many of us. Fear, anger, worry, sadness or maybe numbness. Not sure numbness is labeled a feeling but I sure know how it feels to feel numb. I find myself struggling for words because my mind is scared of saying the wrong things. But I don't think these are the times to stay silent, as long as you speak from an intention of love (and not fear). Because what we're facing collectively in the world right now is an expression of fear. And the answer is love. It's not passive at all, it's not mushy. It's the POWER of love. Here's some perspectives and practices for love.

Meet yourself. Feel your feelings, whether you're feeling all the feelings above or something totally different. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner worlds and the only inner world that you can take responsibility for is your own. So the inner work we do right now is just as important as the outer. How can you process your emotions in a caring way for you so that you can be the power of love that we need? How do you take care of yourself? How can you witness your triggers so that you don't act out on what's actually not about this present at all, but an old unhealed wound within? Taking good care of yourself is a great service to the world, remember that.

Focus on what you can do. Sure, it's important to stay informed. But how many details do you actually need to be able to do what you can? If you're focusing on a specific action and need to learn a lot to be able to do that thing, then it's active learning and that's good. Passive consumption of horror is no good, for anyone, ever. So refrain from constantly updating the news feed, staying hours on end on your screen or only talking about the problems. Listen inwards for guidance and do the thing that feels most aligned for you, whether that's donating money, time, getting involved in politics, sharing love or doing your inner work.

Focus on the good. What we focus on grows so focus on what you want to create and see in the world. Focus on solutions. Focus on love. Focus on all the things that you're grateful for in your own life today. The things that you might otherwise take for granted. Not from fear of losing them but from respect to those who don't have what you have. Enjoy all the things you love about your life, celebrate it all, in joy.

Be in community. These are not the times to isolate. I notice this in myself, it's my go-to when I feel overwhelmed and it's no good for me. Reach out. Ask for support. Offer your support. It's not about knowing what to say or what to do, it's about being there for each other. With each other. Human to human. We're all one. We're in this together.

Give it over. You can't control the world. Sorry. Sometimes we just need to let go and trust. It's not about giving up, it's about giving over. Ask for support and guidance from the power of love that is bigger than you. I have a daily prayer practice were I simply ask for protection and love sent to those people who most need it right now. Including the people so filled with fear that they're doing horrible things to others in an attempt to find what can't be found outside of ourselves. I pray for everyone to be taken over by love, by trust, by compassion and by hope.

Stay in the now. We don't know what the future will bring, but it's also not of our concern. That might be controversial to say, but it's only speculations. However much time your mind spends thinking about different future scenarios it will most probably not figure out what will actually happen. So stay in the now, focus on what you can do, now, focus on what you need, now. How can you remind your human and your body about what's real in your present right now? Are you breathing? Is your heart beating? Feet on the ground? Then you're ultimately okay, in this very moment.

What are the perspectives that are helpful for you right now?