My New Years love letter to you

Happy New Year love,

Or Now Year. It really is just one day after another. But there is something for me in the energy around the turning of a year according to our time count. I love to reflect about what I learn and I so have in these days of transition. I want to share some of my reflections with you, in hopes of inspiring you to look at your own life through the lens of trust.

2021 was a beautifully challenging year, just as all years tend to be. And I'm grateful for all the experiences that pushed me to grow. But also for all the deep rest that more time in nature than ever before gave me. At the beginning of the year I moved into a palace by the sea with a few friends. Living in nature in this way has really deepened my connection to her, nature, and therefore also with me. Because I am nature. So when I'm with her, I'm with me. And I find it less and less interesting to try and put into words what happens in me as I connect with her. I'm more interested in the experience than in the story of the experience. If you have a deep connection with nature, I know you know. And if you don't yet, I so wish for you to find that connection, and what it means to you.

Living in community also challenged me to learn more about my needs in relation to others. To stay with myself even when there's others around. To honor my needs by identifying, acknowledging, accepting, expressing, requesting and then responding to whatever response I get. I dove into Human Design during 2021 and it really resonates with me. According to Human Design I have an open emotional center, which means that I feel other people very deeply in my system. Needing to learn to distinguish between myself and others have been one of the greatest challenges of 2021. And knowing that my own well-being is just as important as others. Honoring my well-being in relation has been difficult for me but I'm very aware of it now. And I believe awareness is the greatest catalyst for change, and often half of the work.

Another gift of 2021 has been countless 'picture perfect' moments where I haven't been well. Moments that my mind previously had fantasized would be 'perfect' before experiencing them. You know those ones we post on Instagram, in our highlight reels, take picture of and gladly share for the whole world to see. Because they look perfect. Which doesn't necessarily mean they feel the same.

This has given my mind even more, well-needed, proof that there is no there there. It's one of those things that I think most of us are aware of but that needs to sink in for us to stop striving for perfect. And there's many layers to it. I've reached a new layer of this knowing this past year. It also means that I'm less interested in making plans and not at all interesting in setting goals. I want to allow my life to unfold the way it wants to. Carefully choosing my response, and in that way co-creating my life experience with the universe. One moment at a time. I'm a Generator, according to Human Design, like 70% of us are, and that is our life strategy, responding. Maybe it's different for you. You know you. You do you. But my life almost never turns out the way my mind had imagined it, so I'm giving up on that idea. I no longer want to force my life, it's just too much work. I'm listening in for my 'hell, yes!' as well as 'hell, no!', and if there's no clear guidance, I won't act.

I do trust that, eventually, all my dreams will come true. I don't doubt that. But I also know that my inner experience of life won't be all that different from here, there. Because it all starts from within. So there's no striving. It's just trusting, following my intuition, and responding to whatever life presents to me. Responding in a way that is aligned with the life that I want to co-create with the universe. And that's also the perfect place for manifestation. Satisified with what is and eager for more. Happy, thank you, more please.

As I'm now being guided to move out of the community living, the palace by the sea, 2022 really is a blank page for me. And I don't mind. I don't know where I'll live, I don't know what I'll be focusing on workwise, I don't know who I'll be with or what I will fill my life with. All I know is that have trust, and connection, and guidance, and support, and that I am ultimately taken care of. I've also learned that what's meant for me, what's good for me, will also be good for everyone around me. My intuition would never guide me to anything else. It might not always be comfortable but it will always be for the highest best for all, and for the planet. And from that place I want to live. I know it's not part of the current paradigm, living like this. But I also know there's a big transition happening in the world, into this new. And I'm happy to stand in the new, although lonely at times, shining a light for everyone who wants to join to see.

I'm so immensely grateful for you being here. Whether you've been with me for the last 10 years that I've been sharing my life experience like this, or whether you're brand new in this space. By putting my experiences into words and concepts, in hopes of serving you somehow, I understand life better. 2022 marks 10 years since I started my own physical healing journey. And I'm turning 40 in a few weeks. On the one hand my doctors didn't give me a life prognosis that lasted all the way to 40. On the other hand my mind probably would have anticipated that I'd be somewhere different in my life at this point. But my life now is so much better than either my doctors or my mind could have ever imagined. So I'm open for this adventure called life, and I just want to be present for all of it.

"My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me." - Al-Shafi'i

Today is the second day of the new year, according to many, a very potent day for setting intentions. (If you're reading this later, you're good, anytime is good for intention setting.) I love this quote from Gary Zukav about intentions: 

“Your life is yours to live, no matter how you choose to live it. When you do not think about how you intend to live it, it lives you. When you occupy it, step into it consciously, you live it.”

The intention is the energy that sets the direction, your real motivation, the reason behind the reason. So what's your intention for this new year? Focus rather on how you want to feel and who you want to be, than on what you want to do. Because when you are the person you want to be, creating the feelings that you long to feel, you will co-create a richer life experience, beyond your minds limited imaginations. Here's the questions I will keep pondering in the next coming days:

How do I want to feel in 2022? (and then, what will make me feel this way?)
On December 31st 2022, in what ways will I be proud of myself and my own inner evolution?
How will I check in with myself, regularly, and stay conscious of my life and my daily choices?

I love you so much, and I'm so happy that you're here. And whatever 2022 may bring, promise you will stay with yourself, as I will stay with me, and together we will co-create the more beautiful world, lead by love, one moment at a time. Here and now. Here and now. Here and now. And so it is.

With all my love,

ps. Om det är något som känns tydligt för mig just nu så är det en längtan efter att skapa mer community och fortsätta att dela med mig av de verktyg som jag använder för ett medvetet och härligt liv. Tacksamhet är definitivt en av dem och den 11/1 19.00 bjuder jag in till den tredje workshopen i workshopserienbaserad på boken Det inre skiftet. Vi utforskar perspektiven, argumenten och reflekterar över vad tacksamhet kan innebära för dig i ditt liv. Och hur just den här kvaliteten kan öppna dörren för allt du vill ha i livet.

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