A first aid kit for when life falls apart

The other day I stumbled upon a re-post of an article I wrote a couple of years ago for Tiny Buddha. As I read through the hundreds of comments on the post and more than 3 000 shares I teared up over how it seamed to resonate with so many people.

I summarized a first aid kit because I wish I would have had one in my time of crisis. And even though words don’t fix everything, it seams to actually help others when in it too. I recommend you read the whole article here . Below are the different parts of the first aid kit.

  1. Feel your feelings

  2. Let people in

  3. Remember, you’re not alone

  4. Write it out

  5. Move outside

  6. Maybe you’re not dying?

  7. This too will change

And this poem that I wrote years ago to myself and later posted on one of my first blogs.

To me, if I ever end up there again, and to anyone else, who’s ever been there, or are right now, in the black hole:

It will get better. There is a meaning to what you’re going through. 

You will feel like living again. 

If you can’t do anything else but breathe, do just that; you don’t have to do anything else.  

Don’t fight it. Let it be. It is as it should be and it’s okay. Just be. Don’t judge. Let go. 

Look at what’s beautiful. Listen to what gives you peace. Eat what tastes good. Do what feels nice. Even if it feels pointless right now, it’s good for your soul.  

Ask for help. 

Let other people help you. Let other people take care of you. 

Cry. Scream. Wail. Laugh. Sleep. Close your eyes. Do whatever you need to do. Let it out. And embrace.  

It will get better. I promise.

With all my love,