
I love helping you

How come we think we’re so special. Or, it’s just me (although that’s not my experience). Why do I think I’m so special. When people reach out for help and I get the opportunity to support them, in whatever shape they need supporting, big or small, it makes me feel good. How come I so often believe that’s not the case for someone else helping or supporting me?

Sure, when people ask for our time, energy or resources, we need to check in first. Do I have enough right now to share? But honestly, I most often do and I even get energized from having helped someone out. It’s a win-win.

I’ve had a tendency (look at that, past tense, as in not any more) to isolate instead of reaching out. Let’s all, collectively, stop that right now. So much of what’s painful in our world today is because of lack of connection and support and too much loneliness.

I love helping you. So I’m gonna believe that you can love supporting me too. And if it’s not a good time for you right now, I trust you to say no. And I trust myself enough to not take that personally and remember that we live in an abundant universe, and so, there’s enough to go around.

It’s an honor to help you.

With all my love,
