act how you want to feel

Core Desired Feelings in action

I’m standing in my bathroom, brushing teets and looking at my core desired feelings on my bathroom mirror. Faith. Joy. Community. Alignment. Authenticity. What can I do today to get to feel the way I most want to feel?

This is how I start my everyday. Core desired feelings in mind when deliberately planning my day.

Faith - my morning practice, starting with gratitude for what I have and by meditating and listening inwards.

Joy - whenever I get too serious I take a dance break or watch something funny on Youtube.

Community - I make sure I share my everyday life with people that I feel safe with. I invest in my relationships and try to contribute with my light wherever I go. And share my darkness when I need to get it out from the shadow.

Alignment - before action. It’s written everywhere in my productivity planner. Because it’s my absolute experience that whatever I share and create in alignment gives love ripples everywhere for both me and the people affected by me. When out of alignment I deal with what brought me out of alignment to get back into it.

Authenticity - I try to share as vulnerably as I can. Both online and in the in the real world. Or both are real to me. I wanna live my life close to my heart and I listen to others with my whole being.

Here I am again, before bed, in front of my bathroom mirror, brushing teeth. How has this day been? Well, the more of my core desired feelings I’ve created the better the day. It’s as simple as that. Because life is nothing but a long string of moments patched together by time. And we can create so many magical moments in a day, by being aware of the way we want to feel and how to go about creating those feelings in our lives.

If you wanna know more about this process (are in Stockholm and understand Swedish) check out this retreat that I’ve created in November. It’ll be a magical weekend!

With all my love,
