gratitude practice

The why's and how's of gratitude

I’ll be posting my most recent Youtube videos here every Tuesday from now on. This week I decided to talk about gratitude, because, well, it’s changed my life.

Gratitude is the gateway drug to happiness.

I would really appreciate your feedback on this one since I’m new on this whole Youtube thing and wanna know what you want me to fill my channel with. I wanna be helpful.

The three practices that I mention in the video are:

  1. Gratitude lists

  2. Sharing gratitude

  3. Priming gratitude

And my previous tips of gratitude of course still applies:

  1. Be specific in what you’re grateful for and why you’re grateful for it

  2. Come up with new stuff all the time (there’s always so much to notice)

  3. FEEL the feeling of gratitude, don’t just think it.

I wish you a beautiful and grateful rest of the week!

With all my love,


When you take nothing for granted you'll grow a grateful heart

I always include gratitude in all my talks, workshops and podcast interviews. Because, it’s magic. When you live with a grateful heart you’re not only a happier person, you’re also a magnet for more things to be grateful for.

It’s one of those things you need to experience for yourself before you can truly understand the value of bringing gratitude into your everyday life. And anyone who has tested it out in their life will testify to its power.

So, I bring it up, over and over again, any opportunity I get, because, I want more magic in our world and I want for you to experience it. And when I do talk about it, those who haven’t experienced the magic of the practice, ask for examples.

Here’s some from top of mind right now;

I’m grateful for the person harvesting the coffee beans for my morning coffee

I’m grateful for the earplugs that allows me to listen to music without disturbing the people around me

I’m grateful for the quality of air going into my lungs right now

I’m grateful for my fingers getting what my mind is telling them to do

I’m grateful for new leafs growing on the trees every spring after they have fallen in autumn

I’m grateful for the freedom I’ve created in my business and life

I’m grateful for faith in my heart

And when I make examples like these sometimes I get the comment; “But most of those things are just normal stuff that we all have. They’re not special enough.” To the first statement; true, there are a lot of things we all have and that might be considered “normal”. To the second statement; false, they are enough. Because what if coffee, music, air, fingers, leafs, freedom and faith where all taken away from you, wouldn’t you miss it?

When you take nothing for granted you’ll grow a grateful heart.

Billions of people on this earth today would do anything to have what you have. It doesn’t mean that you need to feel bad for having it. It means you shouldn’t take it for granted.

When you live with a grateful heart you’re not only a happier person, you’re also a magnet for more things to be grateful for.

With all my love,
