What's easy in ease is so difficult when things are difficult

Life really is 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to and deal with it. I believe this and it’s my own-lived experience.

But the confirmation bias in our minds can play tricks on us. It means that if we’ve made up our mind that everything is working out for us and that life is good, then that’s what our mind will go looking for proof to. And on the opposite, if you believe that life is out to get you and that you just don’t have it in you to create a good life for yourself, well, that’s what your mind will be looking for. And ultimately, that’s the reality you’ll manifest.

That’s why what's easy in ease is so, god damn, hard when things are difficult. Because when you’re in pain you’re looking at the world with that lens. And when you’re in love with life, love is all you see.

So, how do we get around this? Well, your confirmation bias is based on the belief you’re holding. And beliefs are just thoughts we keep repeating. So when you change the words you change your world. And it would really be this easy when in ease. But it isn’t all that easy when things are difficult, are they?

I don’t have a definitive answer to how we change our thoughts when things are difficult because it feels so freaking hard. But I do know this; this too shall pass. And whatever you are learning right now, will be a gift you’ll get to enjoy in the future. I promise you that. I promise me that.

With all my love,
