personal growth

Life only gets better...

… when you’re on a journey of personal growth.

So many people seem to be scared of getting older and we sure do live in a society where younger is preferred in most instances.

It’s my absolute experience that life only gets better the older I get, even though there’s continuous ups and downs along the way. But the older I get the more I learn, and the more I understand that I don’t understand and that is a blessing. The more time I’ve lived in this human experience the softer and kinder I get and that’s everything to me.

In some traditions and cultures “the elders” are highly respected and well taken care of. Seen as the wisest in the group. That’s not how we see it in our society most of the time.

But to me there is also a difference between the ones committed to their personal growth and those who aren’t. Having lived a long time without reflection is merely minutes counted. Having lived many years unconscious doesn’t guarantee that you do get wiser with age. Quite the opposite might be true because without reflection and consciousness you might actually become more and more of this world and less and less connected to what’s really true, more fear filled and less in touch with the source of love. And so you get less wise with age.

If you’re committed to your personal growth and spiritual path life will only get better with age. That’s a choice you make. And people who are wise will be more and more valuable and valued in our society to come, I’m sure of it.

Are you committed to your growth?

With all my love,
