
What if the door closing is a good thing?

I believe we have two choices in our life’s perspective. Sure, there’s always grey areas but in this case it’s a pretty much either or. Either you think there’s a meaning to your life and what happens in it or you think everything is random. It’s a choice you make. You’ll never get the definite answer but the choice you make will definitely affect every day of your life.

What if rejection is protection? What if what you wanted wasn’t actually for you and you’re being guided to something else, better for you?

What if the thing not working out as you may have wished taught you something invaluable that will benefit you forever?

What if the person walking in the door right now is there to teach you something about life and love?

I’ve decided to make meaning of everything happening in my life. I trust that even if things don’t always go as planned I’m deeply taken care of and things are working out for the best outcome for everyone. Whenever I try to manifest anything or pray for what I want I always end with “this or something better”. And I believe that what shows up is better.

This doesn’t mean we can’t be bummed out or mad about things falling apart. It just means that we choose to believe that there is a higher purpose, even when I can’t see it.

What choice have you made in your life? How does that choice make you feel? You know that you can always choose again, in every moment.

With all my love,


Trust there's a meaning even if you can't figure it out

I believe there's a meaning to all things that happen. I also believe that believing is a choice that I've made. Our left brain combined with the ego can really run the show if we let them, so I make conscious choices about what I want to believe and when I've made the choice I get to witness my belief grow. 

A belief is nothing but a thought we keep thinking and we can decide what thoughts we want to feed. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. It means we really do create our own reality. Two people in identical circumstances can witness the world profoundly different, all because of the beliefs they foster. 

This doesn't mean I always easily find the meaning even though I believe it's there. Most of the time I get to connect the dots looking backwards, but sometimes I don't understand. That's okay. That's when I conclude that the simple meaning of what happened could just have been to distract or delay me from something that wasn't meant for me. 

I believe there is a meaning to everything. What do you believe? 

With all my love,


Who do you thank?

Sometimes gratitude can feel overwhelming - have you ever experienced that? You know when you fully realize all that you have in your life to be grateful for. Or when that special person gives you that smile. Or when something magically just works out. Or when the sun kisses your face. Who do you thank? 

It's can't just all be coincidence, right? There is a higher power and there is a bigger meaning. Who do you thank? 

With all my love,


Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

Brendon Burchard asks these questions to himself every night and I think they are really powerful. They came to him in a near death experience, and even though it's sad that that's what it takes to finally get it, we can be wise enough to learn from others experiences. 

First off, though, I think it's important to define what the words mean to you, personally. When do you feel most alive? What ingredients does a life well lived have to you? 

How do you define love? When do you experience love? You know, love isn't anything anyone else can give us, it's an emotions that is evoked in us by different experiences or people. What evokes the feeling of love in you? In what circumstances and with whom? 

What does contribution look like to you? When do you feel like you matter? What days feel really meaningful to you? 

I know these are some really big questions, but you know me, that's where I dwell. So, give yourself some space to reflect on what this means to you and ask yourself: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter? 

With all my love,
