
Focus for instead of against

We so often put our focus on whatever we don't want. We join groups against. We talk about our problems. We resist where we don't want to be. Sometimes I think we loose track of what we do want in focusing all our attention on what we don't. 

What you focus on grows. 

It's as simple as that. When you focus on what you're against you'll get more of that kind. So what do you want? What are you for? How can you grow whatever you are in favor of? How can you focus all of your attention in the direction of your dreams and all that is working in your life? 

I'm not saying we should grace over whatever is difficult in our lives. When we're in crisis we need to deal. But most of the time we're not in crisis, we're just living our everyday life. Where's your focus on all of these days? For or against? 

With all my love,
