did I live

Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

Brendon Burchard asks these questions to himself every night and I think they are really powerful. They came to him in a near death experience, and even though it's sad that that's what it takes to finally get it, we can be wise enough to learn from others experiences. 

First off, though, I think it's important to define what the words mean to you, personally. When do you feel most alive? What ingredients does a life well lived have to you? 

How do you define love? When do you experience love? You know, love isn't anything anyone else can give us, it's an emotion that is evoked in us by different experiences or people. What evokes the feeling of love in you? In what circumstances and with whom? How do you share your love with the world?

What does contribution look like to you? When do you feel like you matter? What days feel really meaningful to you? 

I know these are some really big questions, but you know me, that's where I dwell. So, give yourself some space to reflect on what this means to you and ask yourself: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter? 

With all my love,
