
Everything is progress. Progress equals happiness.

What if this is true? Does it ring true to you? 

If everything happens for a reason, if there's a meaning to every event, then everything is progress. What if we are here to grow and learn and all experiences help us do just that, then we're always progressing in our development. 

Advancement in our soul is what we're here for, that's what makes our soul happy, advancement is progress. Therefore progress equals happiness. 

What do you think? 

I don't know that this is true, but I like to believe it is. We will never know anything for certain as long as we are here, that's one of the perks or pitfalls of life, so, we might as well decide what we want to believe. 

I believe we all have an ego mind that plays a lot of tricks on us. I believe we have a soul that is so much wiser. Sometimes we mix them up. That's okay. We're all human. It's all progress. Progress equals happiness. 

With all my love,
